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Thank you for visiting this site. This website was created by Chandani's friends to help Chandani in her time of need.

Chandani Mathew-Perera, a 53-year-old Sri Lankan, is a candidate for a kidney transplant. Her kidney function has deteriorated over the years to 11%. According to the doctors when her kidney function drops to 10%, she must start dialysis or receive a donor kidney. She is on a special diet to accommodate this physical condition and is currently waiting on the kidney transplant list at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St Louis Missouri.
(click here for the letter from her doctor)

We are trying to raise $5000.00 for her initial expenses. Every dollar that you contribute will be essential in our effeorts to meet this goal.
(click here to learn how to donate)

(From Left: Rebecca Mathew, Chandani Mathew Perera, Elmo Perera, Ruth Mathew)
Amount raised to date:

Thank you for your contribution!
  for any website related comments or questions please e-mail sdissan2@uiuc.edu